
₹1.25 lakh Package: Basic Sales Automation Package

  • Includes basic funnel creation and integration.
  • Limited automation sequences (up to 3 email or SMS follow-ups).
  • Landing page setup with basic tracking and reporting tools.
  • Dedicated support for 30 days after setup.

₹2 lakh Package: Professional Lead Generation System

  • Complete sales funnel design and optimization.
  • Advanced automation sequences (up to 5 email or SMS follow-ups).
  • Custom landing page with dynamic features and tracking integrations.
  • CRM integration and analytics dashboard setup.
  • Dedicated support for 60 days after setup.

₹3 lakh Package: Premium Done-for-You Sales System

  • Fully tailored sales funnel with A/B testing.
  • Comprehensive automation (email, SMS, and WhatsApp follow-ups).
  • Custom landing page with conversion tracking and enhanced analytics.
  • CRM integration with advanced features (segmentation, retargeting).
  • 90 days of priority support and performance reviews.
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